Dear Reader,
Welcome to the sixth issue of the Kerala Travel Explorer.

The Jatayu Adventure Center at Chadayamangalam, near Kollam, gets our primary focus in this issue. This new landmark, is a unique coming together of disparate creative elements of artistry, mythology, architecture, technology, culture, adventure, and leisure. By the scale of its grandeur and magnificence, this destination is sure to leave every visitor awestruck.

We have other travel and destination stories too like the Nilambur Teak forest in the celestial city of Malappuram, Andhakaranazhi Beach at Vayalar which is touted as a balm for the restless urban soul, and Shankumugham Beach at Thriuvanthapuram, which is thronged for its popular sunsets.

Drew Binksy the world famous travel blogger was in Kerala a few weeks ago, and we grabbed the opportunity to have a tete-a-tete with him. His thoughts in general about travel, valuable insights about vlogging and specific observations about what is unique about the Kerala travel experience, is put on record for your reading pleasure.

As you know KTE is about Kerala and Keralites. Many of our brethren have excelled in their chosen professions, be it science or art or any other field. And many of them have nurtured their passions while remaining focussed on their careers. In this issue we highlight two such IT professionals, one of whom is now establishing himself as a wildlife photographer, while the other one is pursuing her passion for jewellery designing. These maverick souls make us Keralites proud. We have also featured a much-admired lady artist from Singapore whose strokes with her brush have created some mind-blowing works of art.

C. Unnikrishnan is an advocate who needs special mention as he is the one who secured justice for former ISRO scientist Nambi Narayanan and the fishermen shot dead by Italian Marines aboard oil tanker Enrica Lexie. He tells us the story of his persistence that has made him a celebrity now.

Cinema has always captured the Malayali’s imagination, and has been integral his psyche and in this issue we have exclusive interviews with a couple of actors who have been in the spotlight recently for their professional exploits on the silver screen, and whose career graphs are currently on the upswing.

So as you can see, we have painstakingly put together a thoughtful mix of a wide variety of themes for you to enjoy reading in the current issue. We welcome and look forward to your invaluable feedback, in order to make every new issue better than the previous one.

Cheers and Happy Reading!

